Regulatory & Compliance

Our Multidimensional AI was built with regulatory, compliance, and risk elements top-of-mind. Your data is secured, privacy is protected, and the integrity and veracity of information is preserved across our customers.

Manage Compliance & Regulatory Standards

Source data lives with you – not us

Some LLMs and other AI models do not promise data ownership lives with you – but not on Charli AI. Source data and content resides on your systems and we ensure traceability and full oversight to all decisions flows so you can see exactly what data was pulled and how it was used. This level of insight into the process and any checkpoints required for regulatory and compliance requirements.

Active Decision Flow Controls

Multidimensional AI is secure by design – and our Active Decision Flow Control layer of security is proof. This is an added layer of security for our customers that provides a deep-level of secure checkpoints for regulatory and compliance requirements. Standards-based security controls are implemented but by themselves do not provide sufficient control over data access, data publication, and decision flows – so we took matters into our own hands.

State-of-the-art security measures

One of the most important elements of our Secure-by-Design Multidimensional AI is access to data and content. Charli employs a five layer method to provide state-of-the-art security measures that are not seen on any other platform. No user will have direct access to data; all data remains owned by our customers; a standards-based IAM from a third party vendor; fine-grained control over access; and forced checkpoints necessary for PII checks and regulatory requirements ensure that data remains private and secure.

Find out how Charli can supercharge your business