Agreement Processing
Charli AI can take standard and lengthy contract processing and drastically reduce the time it takes to complete – allowing your team to rework and restructure documents, strategize next-steps, and focus teams both horizontally and vertically to drastically increase productivity and add to the bottom-line.
Contract & Agreement Processing Powered by AI
Extract relevant terms and clauses with ease
Our Multidimensional AI is capable of reviewing and extracting relevant terms and clauses from documents and data with ease. Charli is able to not only find relevant information with little training and guidance, but is supercharged when taught the specifics it needs to find exactly what you are looking for. This cuts down lengthy review sessions and helps teams pinpoint their search parameters to get to insight faster and reduce revenue leakage that can happen when agreement processing takes too long.
Find problems before they become problems
Creating an agile environment means providing your team the tools they need to work smarter, faster, and more accurately. Leveraging Multidimensional AI can provide the solution you need to help users easily access data without waiting several hours. Charli has the ability to pull data and content from a wide variety of sources and can do so quickly. What used to take days can now take hours.
Reduce repetitive tasks and supercharge your teams
By removing the administrative tasks once performed by humans, your team can take the time to understand and analyze information, uncover valuable information, and take action expeditiously – all while tapping into different and disparate data sources with ease.